Instagram Engagement Groups
The best Instagram Engagement/DM Groups to Network with like minded Instagram Users & Influencers
Instagram Engagement/DM Groups - Quick Guide
Instagram engagement/DM groups or ‘pods’ are a place where like minded Instagram users can share their posts with each other through a group chat to increase their engagement.
The concept is simple: Share your post link to the group, then engage with the most recent posts in the group.
The most popular groups are found in Telegram, they contain thousands & thousands of users and have strict rules, leaching bot detectors and tools to make engaging easier. This way everybody plays fair and gives back as much engagement as they intend on receiving.
However, many of these telegram groups lose their authenticity. Rather than being a place to genuinely network with like minded IG users, it just becomes a systematic way to get more likes and comments from random users.
We have created a separate list for these massive telegram engagement networks if you want to try them, but in this list below you’ll only find smaller niche groups for making real connections with other relevant Instagram users and Influencers.
We highly recommend using the groups below and other groups alike to make real connections instead of joining massive groups.
If you are going to use Instagram DM groups effectively, it’s important to not do to much over a short period of time and consider your action limitations on Instagram.
With these smaller groups your effort will be recognised! Write genuine engaging comment, not just a bunch of emojis.
Whilst you are engaging back with these users, you are likely to find pages that genuinely capture your interest or closely align with the niche of your own page. Take the opportunity to follow these pages and send them a DM, especially if they are bigger verified users. Remember, these groups are all about networking and making genuine connections!
Final tip: Get yourself verified with Instagram Meta Verification if you haven’t already, this enhanced social proof will encourage other users in the network to follow you back.
Considering the limitations of Instagram engagement groups, it’s important to only use the best groups that will be most effective for your page. Thats why we recommend the groups we’ve listed below instead of massive Telegram networks.
We’ve done our research and we’ve compiled a list of the highest quality public and private niche targeted influencer groups. Some have stricter access than others so choose the best groups that you are eligible for.
Important: Only use a few of the best / most relevant groups at a time for each post you upload. Don’t always use the same groups, mix it up every now and then.
Instagram PowerLikes are a better alternative to engagement pods. We recommend that you combine the use of our USA based PowerLikes network with the groups listed below.
The great thing about PowerLikes is that you don’t need to do anything other than sign up to one of our PowerLikes services and you can get a lot more engagement per post than you can with engagement groups! (No engagement is required from your page, we never ask for your password).
The combination of PowerLikes and niche targeted pod groups is the ultimate solution to breaking the Instagram Algorithm!
Best Instagram Engagement Groups & Pods
Most recommended groups are highlighted with a ✪ symbol.
1. ✪ GrowVerified - Verified Only Users [DX10 Likes & Comments Group]
Information: Exclusive Verified Only group! Great for networking with higher quality pages and big Influencer accounts.
Size: Small but growing fast!
App: Telegram
Rules: Like and Comment on most recent 10 posts
Join Here: https://t.me/+_noYIfh7_KE2Yjk0
2. ✪ Promotion Crew
Information: Small growing pod, highly monitored to ensure no low quality accounts / bots can use it.
Size: 200+ Users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like & Comment on last 15 posts (Leaching bot active!)
Join Here: https://t.me/PromotionCrewTop
3. ✪ SMM_Top_Chat WhatsApp Groups
Information: Network of many country and niche targeted WhatsApp Groups. You’ll be eligible to join the groups that align with your demographic only. You have to request access with the Admins.
Size: 34 Groups, size ranges per group.
App: WhatsApp
Rules: Like/Comment on Recent posts. Active users only! You may be asked to leave if you don’t use frequently.
Contact Admin to join: https://wa.me/+37360110716
4. Wolf Fashion & Beauty Likes & Comments
Information: Private / Exclusive group for Fashion & Beauty Influencers.
Size: Over 1800 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like & Comment on most recent 5 posts before posting your link
Join Here: No group link, contact us directly via email or live chat and tell us your Instagram and Telegram Usernames
5. Wolf Fashion & Beauty Likes Only
Information: Private / Exclusive group for Fashion & Beauty Influencers.
Size: Over 2000 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like most recent 20 posts before posting your link
Join Here: No group link, contact us directly via email or live chat and tell us your Instagram and Telegram Usernames
6. Wolf Fitness & Health Likes & Comments
Information: Private / Exclusive group for Fitness & Health Influencers.
Size: Over 800 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like & Comment on most recent 5 posts before posting your link
Join Here: No group link, contact us directly via email or live chat and tell us your Instagram and Telegram Usernames
7. Wolf Travel & Food Likes & Comments
Information: Private / Exclusive group for Travel & Food Influencers.
Size: Over 1600 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like & Comment on most recent 5 posts before posting your link
Join Here: No group link, contact us directly via email or live chat and tell us your Instagram and Telegram Usernames
8. Beauty Group Likes
Information: Engagement group for Beauty / Fashion Instagram Users & Influencers.
Size: Over 4000 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like most recent 50 posts before posting your link
Join Here: https://t.me/beauty4AllDX15Comment/
9. Beauty Group Comments
Information: Engagement group for Beauty / Fashion Instagram Users & Influencers.
Size: Over 1800 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like & Comment on most recent 15 posts before posting your link
Join Here: https://t.me/beauty4AllDX15Comment/
10. ✪ Lady Tribe 24hr Group
Information: Best for female IG users and Influencers.
Size: Over 5000 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like most recent posts within the last 24hrs before posting your link
Join Here: https://t.me/OurLadyTribe/
11. Offbeat Travel Food Photography
Information: Engagement group for Travel, Food & Photography only users & influencers.
Size: Over 1000 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like most recent 50 posts before posting your link
Join Here: https://t.me/dx50offbeat/
12. ✪ Entrepreneurs Group
Information: Engagement group for Entrepreneurs / Business Instagram pages
Size: Over 1000 users
App: Telegram
Rules: Like most recent 20 posts before posting your link
Join Here: https://t.me/entreprenuerdx20/
Join our Private Instagram Engagement Networks
Boost your posts with high quality, USA Likes, USA Comments, Views, Saves, Shares & Profile Visits. No password required and you don’t need to give any engagement back to the network!